Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Kamis, 24 September 2009

mY L!fE

Everyone has a life different and that is what shows the greatness of God, but it is still a lot more things that show the greatness of God that if we try to count them then surely you will not find the answer. Of several human lives we can learn many things, for example, we know someone very close and one way to learn many things here is to observe what was done and what will happen after that. It helps us get a conclusion where we can practice the conclusion that in our lives so that we can survive in the end. As I do now, many things I learned from this life, either from living life to the dead creature. Many things that I get from all that. Starting from the way we solve problems, how do we avoid the bad thoughts from others and a lot of really basic.
In this article I will describe it all in life I own, it might be boring for you readers blogger but hopefully it can help you in your life.
From childhood I had never felt the love of parents and only get grief, but from where I started to learn independently, solve all the problems alone and keeping everything by my self.But for readers not too often bury the problem alone because it can make you stress . After my father returned from out of town and the mother returned from abroad I am not happy at all, yes even though they are the parents I am but I'm not too open to them. Finally we lived together. I think it is a good start for my family to make this family remains intact. But I was wrong all is not what I think. I ended the School at out city.In fact no problem for me but I so do not feel that I have parents. I was wrong to think this but in reality what could I do this. From there I learned to walk alone without having to ask for help from parents or even from his own brother. After that I started to learn this life.
For readers bloggers make your life that means
. And do not waste it this living.And just always remember, believe in God who has created we all .I began to realize that after I get out of the cabin and lived alone in the midst of a proud family. At first I did not know what to do when I lived with them. But God gave me instructions to remain confident that God will protect his servants who are in difficulties. With the confidence that I was able to survive.But one year of living without parents is a strange thing happened to me, suddenly I began to realize that I double personality, not so sure but it all seemed so real and I felt strange to myself.
Sometimes I am a very patient, kind, gracious and so on.Beside that, I act like boys, like angry, and do things bad.I do not know if this is normal or I'm not sure but I felt strange to myself.
Many things must be taken into account, and many others must be ingested before we conclude anything, because if one steps sorry.We will live not only requires patience but also need high accuracy on the step .Some of our patient but we rarely notice the little things that can make us fall from our fame.

In the event we would love to find a lot of fun as well as heartache, it would have used the natural you.
For readers bloggers certainly want a relationship with your boyfriend running smoothly. Based my life and see from others, many things that need attention. Yes
It......before that do you belive me what ever i say???
I think that you aren't.....wkwkwk!
So that I will not tell about it. Ukayyy

The end of this third class makes me more impatient waiting for graduation and start a new life in Surabaya. Loads of temptations when will this exam but I still had a chance to survive even though I feel hopeless but God kept giving me the road. Baget I thank God for always guiding me and reminding me when I make mistakes, as if God is always with me. Create your bloggers, Do not ever get tired of you will live or get frustrated with the failure of you because there are many things we have learned in this world. Many mysteries that have you broken so that you can get through this difficult life. I am happy with situation like this, although I'm not a perfect person, I am not a rich kid I was not pretty, I'm also not very smart, and I'm also not one to easily socialize or less sort of interaction. The blogger, be yourself and do not try to be someone else. If there is a bad habit you have, may be difficult to eliminate it but reduce it burukmu habits so you can enjoy this life.

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

The meaning of life

Everyone wonders about the meaning and purpose of life. What is our origin: evolution or creation? Should we seek material wealth, pleasure, and education, or are we here to serve and honor God? Will we be judged for our lives and face eternal destinies in heaven or hell? Please consider the answers that can be found only in the Bible.

Without doubt, this is one of the most challenging, and yet one of the most fundamental, questions the mind can consider.Since we are alive, it is natural to wonder where we came from. One reason many people are confused about the meaning of life is that they do not understand the origin of life. To know why we are here, we must know where we came from.Science has repeatedly demonstrated that life comes only from life. This is a law of science called the "Law of Biogenesis." The opposite of this law would be spontaneous generation life beginning spontaneously from non-living matter. But science has repeatedly proved this cannot happen.So every living thing must come from a previous living thing. You received life from your parents, who in turn received it from their parents, etc. The same is true for all living things.But evolution requires that, when you go back far enough, non-living matter somehow came to life by chance where there was no life before. Evolution requires spontaneous generation in complete violation of scientific evidence. So evolution cannot explain even the origin of the very first form of life.Living things can adapt to their environment, but where is the proof they can develop into entirely different kinds of organisms such that all kinds came from one original kind? Years of human experience and scientific experimentation confirm that living things reproduce "after their own kind." The offspring of a fish is another fish, not a snake, bird, or man.

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009


Linkin Park atau yang lebih ngetrend disingkat LP yang berdiri pada tahun 1982 ternyata adalah nama plesetan dari lincoln park,band yang digawangi Chester Bennington, Rob Bourdon, Phoenix, Joseph, hahn telah mengeluarkan album yang pernah meledakdi pasaran. Contohnya saja album Meteora yang pernah meledak beberapa tahun yangn lalu.
Para penggemar lagu-lagu luar negri pasti tahu lagu semacam Faint, Somewhere I Belong, Numb, lagu-lagu tersebut semuanya murni ciptaan para personal Linkin Park sendiri.
Setelah beberapa tahun absent dalam tanah musik dunia band beraliran nu metal ini akhirnya mengeluarkan album terbaru mereka yang bergenre Minutes to midnight. Lagu-lagu mereka mengalami sedikit perubahan karena menampilkan beberapa lagu slow seperti Shadow of the day, Little thing give you away, Valentine day, lagu rap seperti I bleed it out hands held high, lagu andalan mereka What I've done yang mengusung tema perang yang sangat bagus untuk ditonton ( bagi kamu-kamu yang penasaran cepetan dech cari informasi nya di internet kamu pasti gak akan kecewa!!!!!)

Senin, 15 Juni 2009


Patih Gendolo Bender

Pada zaman dahulu kala hidup seorang prajurit yang gagah berani yang bernama Gendolo Bender. Dia sangat kuat, saking kuatnya dia bisa mengangkat batu yang sangat besar.
Suatu hari, putri raja diculik oleh kelompok penyamun ganas. Berbagai cara telah dilakukan raja, namun tak satupun yang berhasil hingga rajapun putus asa. Akhirnya, sang raja mengumumkan sayembara, barang siapa yang dapat menyelmatkan sang putri akan dinobatkan menjadi patih dan akan dinikahkan dengan sang putri.
Mendengar sayembara tersebut berangkatlah sang Gendolo bendermenuju sarang penyamun ganas sendirian. Dia menyamar sebagai pengemis yang numpang tidur. Ternyata saat itu para penyamun itu sedang mengadakan pesta menyambut kemenangan mereka karena telah berhasil menculik sang putri. Saat ada kesempatan, Gendolo bender menawarkan arak yang telah dicampuri dengan racun yang sangat ganas. Saat itu juga para penyamun itu tewas, tapi ternyata masih tersisa seorang yang ternyata adalah pemimpin penyamun yang tidak ikut minum arak yang telah diberikan Gendolo bender. Akhirnya terjadi pertarungan seru antara sang pemimpin penyamun dengan Gendolo benter. Pertarungan itu memakan waktu 3 hari 3 malam, yang akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Gendolo bender, sang pemimpin penyamun tewas dan sang putri berhasil diselamatkan.
Akhirnya Gendolo bender yang sebelumnya hanyalah prajurit biasa, kini diangkat menjadi patih dan dinikahkan dengan sang putri. Merekapun hidup bahagia selamanya.

Senin, 08 Juni 2009


Biografi :

Grup musik Peterpan dibentuk di Bandung, Jawa Barat dengan enam orang personel, masing-masing Nazril Irham alias Ariel (vokal), Mohammad Kautsar Hikmat alias Uki (gitar), Ilsyah Ryan Reza (drum), Loekman Hakim (gitar), Andika Naliputra Wirahardja (keyboard), dan Indra (bass).

Namun pada November 2006, dua anggotanya, Andika dan Indra dipecat dari grup musik tersebut. Perpecahan ini dipicu adanya perbedaan prinsip kreativitas, sementara Ariel mengungkapkan telah ada masalah sejak peluncuran album pertama, Taman Langit. Bahkan Andika dan Indra juga mengaku sudah keluar dari Peterpan sejak 8 Oktober 2006.

mau lirik lagu peterpan klik di sini

Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

we will not go down

we will not go down in the night without the fight you can burn up our mosque or our home or our school but our spirit will never die we will not go down in gaza tonight



Mungkin aku dan dirimu bukanlah sepasang kekasih
walau kau jauh dan aku tak pernah tau isi hatimu
tapi, sungguh aku sangat menyayangimu
walau aku hanya bisa mengimajinasi bayangmu
tapi aku mampu merasakan hangatnya hadirmu
Mungkin aku dan dirimu terpaut jauh
kau di atas dan aku jauh di bawahmu
walau itu bukan pandanganmu
tapi, aku tak mampu terus mengimajinasi bayangmu
karna kau begitu sempurna
karna kau begitu indah
aku juga tak mampu terus merasakan hangatnya hadirmu
karna hadirmu membawaku ke alam baewah sadarku


Dengarkah engaku suara tangis anak kecil yang suci
dengarkah enkau teriakan hati orang-orang yang terkubur api
dengarkah engkau suara kehancuran karna seucap janji
dengarkah engkau detak jantung bumi yang mulai berhenti
yang lelah akan tingkah sang pemilik nafsu duniawi
dengarkah engkau...
Wahai pemilik hati nurani
Open your eyes... ppen your eyes...
Lihat dan rasakanlah
Lihatlah hancurnya hidup mereka
rasakanlah derita yang mereka terima
akankah hatimu ikut menangis
akankah engkau melangkah membangkitkan hidup mereka
akankah engkau...
Wahai pemilik hati nurani