Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

The meaning of life

Everyone wonders about the meaning and purpose of life. What is our origin: evolution or creation? Should we seek material wealth, pleasure, and education, or are we here to serve and honor God? Will we be judged for our lives and face eternal destinies in heaven or hell? Please consider the answers that can be found only in the Bible.

Without doubt, this is one of the most challenging, and yet one of the most fundamental, questions the mind can consider.Since we are alive, it is natural to wonder where we came from. One reason many people are confused about the meaning of life is that they do not understand the origin of life. To know why we are here, we must know where we came from.Science has repeatedly demonstrated that life comes only from life. This is a law of science called the "Law of Biogenesis." The opposite of this law would be spontaneous generation life beginning spontaneously from non-living matter. But science has repeatedly proved this cannot happen.So every living thing must come from a previous living thing. You received life from your parents, who in turn received it from their parents, etc. The same is true for all living things.But evolution requires that, when you go back far enough, non-living matter somehow came to life by chance where there was no life before. Evolution requires spontaneous generation in complete violation of scientific evidence. So evolution cannot explain even the origin of the very first form of life.Living things can adapt to their environment, but where is the proof they can develop into entirely different kinds of organisms such that all kinds came from one original kind? Years of human experience and scientific experimentation confirm that living things reproduce "after their own kind." The offspring of a fish is another fish, not a snake, bird, or man.

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